Other Ministries
Mission to Seafarers: Townsville
The Mission to Seafarers offers fellowship and a warm North Queensland welcome to seafarers from over fifty countries. The Flying Angel Club has become a place where crew can mix with other nationalities, volunteers and local port personnel, in a pleasant environment away from the confines of their ships.
Mothers Union Australia
MU Australia is part of the worldwide Mothers' Union, an international Christian organisation that seeks to support families worldwide. In 81 countries, Mothers' Union members share the vision to bring about a world where God's love is shown through loving, respectful and flourishing relationships. Mothers’ Union actively pursue this goal through prayer, programmes, policy work and community relationships.
Kids Plus
Kidz Plus is a ministry under the auspices of GFS Australia that connects with both boys and girls. The Vision Statement of GFS Australia is 'To provide a vital ministry which will empower people to build a continuing relationship with Christ, to value themselves and one another, and to experience life within a faith community.'

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