Faithfulness in Service (November 2016)
- to view Faithfulness In Service via a YouTube clip please click here
Policy and Procedures for Protecting Children
The Journey to Ordination
Ordination Policy - A Changing Church for a Changing World
Lay Ministers Forms
For all Lay Minister applications, please complete the following details and application forms.
Lay Minister Details Form
Lay Minister Application Form
Please also complete the Referee Screening Questionaire (3.), along with either the 13-17 year old (1.) or Ordained Ministry Application (2.). (There will be 4 documents in total to return to the Registry Office)
1.Safe Ministry Check - 13 to 17 Years Voluntary Church Workers
2.Safe Ministry Check - Ordained Ministry, or appointment as a Paid, Licensed or Authorised Church Worker
3.Safe Ministry Check - Referee Screening Questionaire