Edge Hill, Cairns

115 Collins Avenue, Edge Hill QLD 4870, Australia


Street Address: 115 Collins Avenue, Edge Hill QLD 4870
Postal Address: PO Box 47, Edge Hill QLD 4870

Telephone: 07 4053 2019               

Email: contactus@tgs.org.au

Website: www.tgs.org.au
Facebook: TGS Edge Hill

This Ministry Unit includes the worshipping community at The Good Shepherd (Edge Hill).


Rector - Reverend Cameron Willis

Warden -  Rod Cole-Clarke
Warden -  Alexander Kochi
Warden - James Sartain


Service Times

Sunday:  9:00am The Good Shepherd (Edge Hill) - Traditional service
(livestream available)
5:00pm The Good Shepherd (Edge Hill) - Contemporary service

Meetings & Parish Activities

Home Groups meet weekly in private homes. Contact the office for more information - (07) 4053 2019

Youth Forum for year 7-12 students during the Sunday service, 9:00am

Craft Group in church hall, Saturday, fortnightly 3.30pm - (07) 4053 2019

Manly Men's Morning Meetings Thursdays 6:00am - (07) 4053 2019

Mainly Music at the church hall, Thursdays 9:30am 

Youth Group on Fridays, 6:00pm.

127 Prayer Ministry meets on the 1st, 3rd & 5th Saturdays of the month, 6:30am 

Regis Whitfield Aged Care Service, 3rd Tuesday, 10:00am

Further information

Further information can be found on our website  www.tgs.org.au
Telephone (07) 4053 2019


115 Collins Avenue, Edge Hill QLD 4870, Australia

Contact Us

Phone:(07) 4771 4175


Office Address:
St. James Place
155 Denham St


Postal Address:

PO Box 1244


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