
58 Broad Street, Sarina QLD 4737, Australia


Street Address: 58 Broad Street, Sarina QLD 4737
Postal Address: PO Box 74, Sarina QLD 4737

Phone: Mackay Anglican Community (07) 4957 3341
Mobile: 0409 573 348

Facebook: Sarina Anglican Parish 

This Ministry Unit includes the worshipping communities at St Luke's (Sarina), St Bartholomew (Carmila), and All Saints (Koumala).

St Luke's (Sarina) – 58 Broad Street, Sarina 4737
Bartholomew (Carmila) - 5 Music Street, Carmila 4739
All Saints (Koumala) - Mumby Street,Koumala 4738


Priest in Charge - Vacant

Warden - Paulene Reilly
Warden - Beth Westcott

Service Times

Sunday Services of Holy Communion and Morning Prayer are as advertised monthly on the Sarina Anglican Facebook
Sunday 9.00am St Luke's (Sarina)
Followed by morning tea
3rd Sunday
of the month
9.00am All Saints (Koumala)
Combined service led by Anglican Church
4th Sunday
of the month
9.00am St Bartholomew' (Carmila)
Combined service led by Uniting Church

Meetings & Parish Activities

Ministry Unit Council meets on the fourth Sunday of the month after the 9.00am service.

Baptisms when required.

Parish Activities:

  • Prayer Group: Ecumencial - Wednesday 8.30am
  • Bible Studies:  Ecumenical - Friday 9.30am and Saturday 9.30am
  • Mainly Music:   School Year - 9.30am


58 Broad Street, Sarina QLD 4737, Australia

Contact Us

Phone:(07) 4771 4175


Office Address:
St. James Place
155 Denham St


Postal Address:

PO Box 1244


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